Chiropractic adjustment (also known as spinal manipulation) is the way in which a trained chiropractor restores proper function to your body by locating and adjusting a musculoskeletal area of the body that is functioning improperly. This can be done by using their hands or a small instrument to bring manipulation to the vertebrae. The goals are to correct structural alignment, improve your body’s physical function, and restore range of motion. No special preparation is required before a chiropractic adjustment.

Instead of treating the symptoms of disease, chiropractic adjustments get to the root of the problem by correcting joint dysfunction so that normal body functions may take place. This process may take weeks or months depending on the amount of misalignment. The nerve supply may then be restored throughout the body, and healing can take place. As your body heals, the symptoms begin to diminish. Chiropractic adjustments have proven to be safe and effective when performed by a skilled professional.

For more information or to request an appointment, contact us today at (732) 295-1211.